Dental Crowns: Types, Benefits, and Costs

Dental crowns may be the solution you’ve been looking for if you have damaged or weakened teeth. A dental crown is a standard dental treatment covering and safeguarding decayed or damaged teeth. They can also protect a single dental implant or support dental bridges. It can improve a tooth’s function while restoring its size, shape, and look. This article will discuss their various forms, pros and cons, and costs involved, and when they should typically be used.

Dental Crown

A dental crown is a “cap” formed like a tooth and is put over the tooth to improve appearance, size, and shape. The crown can completely encompass the entire visible region of a tooth. It is typically cemented to the tooth with dental cement. It is created to order and constructed using covert techniques. 

Types of Dental Crowns

There are four basic categories of dental crowns. Each variety offers specific advantages.

Ceramic Crowns

Ceramic crowns are widely renowned for providing aesthetic restoration solutions with natural-looking results. Crafted of porcelain and tailored to blend in seamlessly with the color of your teeth, ceramic crowns offer an aesthetic solution that blends in beautifully. Furthermore, ceramic crowns are an excellent option for front teeth restorations due to their aesthetic properties and visually appealing nature.

Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crowns

These crowns feature a metal base bonded with porcelain. Their durable structure makes them suitable for back teeth; however, the metal can sometimes be visible at the gum line, which may make some people wary.

Gold Crowns

Gold crowns are constructed of an alloy of gold and are very resilient, making them an excellent option for back teeth that experience considerable pressure from chewing or biting. Unfortunately, their aesthetic appearance and cost can sometimes pose problems for some patients.

Base Metal Alloys

These crowns are composed of non-noble metal alloys that are highly corrosion-resistant, durable enough to withstand chewing pressure, biocompatible, and perfect for those suffering from metal allergies – yet less attractive aesthetically than ceramic or porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns provide multiple advantages when considering treatment for damaged teeth. First and foremost, they can restore function to your bite, making chewing and biting pain-free again. Furthermore, they can improve appearance by giving you a beautiful smile and protecting weakened or decayed ones against further decay or damage.

However, dental crowns also come with some drawbacks. Among them is cost; dental crowns can be costly, and not all insurance plans cover them. Also, getting one may take multiple appointments to complete. Some patients may experience temporary sensitivity or discomfort after getting a crown fitted – an inconvenience many might live without.

Cost of Dental Crowns

The choice of material used can affect the price of dental crowns. Dental crown prices also depend on the dentist’s experience, location, and the complexity of the process; visit a website like for more details.

When Can Dental Crowns Be Used?

Dental crowns may be utilized for various reasons. Most often, they protect damaged or decayed teeth from further deterioration while covering discolored, misshapen, too small, discolored from aging processes, or discolored due to root canal treatments – offering extra support and security during root canal treatments. In certain situations, a frenectomy procedure may be recommended with dental crowns.

Which Dental Crown Is Right for You?

Your ideal crown depends entirely on your needs and preferences. If your primary goal is aesthetics, ceramic or porcelain-fused-to-metal may be best. For back teeth prone to more pressure or wear, a gold or base metal alloy crown may provide more significant support; follow link to get more information.


Dental crowns are a dental restoration option that can improve the appearance and function of your teeth. With several types, you can find a dental crown that suits your needs and preferences. While they may come with some drawbacks, dental crowns have numerous benefits. Talk to your dentist to determine if dental crowns or tongue tie surgery suits you.

