Emergency Situations With Dental Aligners

Straight and aligned teeth improve the appearance of your face and boost your oral health. Dental aligners are popular for those looking to get a straighter smile without the hassle associated with traditional braces. While aligners are generally secure and effective, unexpected emergencies requiring immediate attention can occur.

Any time a dental aligner issue occurs, you must take action immediately to avoid setbacks in treatment. You can stay on the right track to achieve your desired results by being aware of your aligners, observing the recommended guidelines for your care, and contacting your orthodontist promptly.

This article concerns the most frequent dental aligner issues and why addressing them is crucial. If you are conscious of these issues and can react to them, you can maintain your progress toward achieving your ideal smile.

Common Dental Aligner Emergencies

Below are some of the most frequent dental aligner-related emergencies and why it’s crucial to be quick to prevent any problems with your procedure.

Cracked Aligners

One of the most frequent dental aligner issues is a damaged aligner. It can happen for various reasons, such as brushing too hard and dropping your aligners or excessive pressure. It is best to act if you notice a crack or crack in the aligners. Leaving the crack unchecked could render the aligner useless or cause your teeth to move in the wrong direction.

To stop this from happening:

  1. Avoid eating sticky or hard foods. 
  2. Don’t put them where they can be damaged.
  3. In the event of a crack, contact your dentist or orthodontist immediately to determine if a replacement is necessary.

Irritation or Sores

Although it’s not every day that wearing aligners for long periods can cause irritation or sores to your mouth, this can be due to the edges of the aligners rubbing against your cheeks, gums, or gums. While it may make you uncomfortable, it’s important to keep wearing the aligners to ensure you are progressing and learning how to ease the discomfort.

Try using dental wax to soften the edges of the irritated aligners. If that doesn’t work, ask your dentist for the gel for numbing teeth to help ease the pain. Whatever you do, don’t remove your aligners from your mouth because this could cause you to set your pace back.

Lost Aligners

It’s another typical emergency that can happen. Losing them is effortless, especially if you remove them frequently to eat or clean them. If you lose an aligner, you must notify your dentist immediately. It may be necessary to purchase another set, wear the older aligners, or advance toward your next invisible braces.

Allergic Reactions

Although rare, some people may be allergic to materials used to create dental aligners. Hives, swelling, itching, or an allergic reaction are all possible indications. If you’re unsure if your body is allergic to the materials in your aligners, it’s best to talk with an expert or see more details. They can perform the test of a patch to determine what reactions you may experience before beginning your treatment.

Loose Aligners

Over time, your aligners might become loose or not be able to fit correctly. This can happen if you lose or gain weight or your teeth shift more than expected. It’s essential to take care of this problem as soon as you notice it to avoid any repercussions to the treatment.

If your aligners are loose, contact your dentist for dental services for families and an orthodontist immediately. They may need to adjust the treatment plan to ensure your progress isn’t affected.

